Winter is coming and that means hell for your skin. However, with an effective skin-care routine you can tackle the winter climate with ease. You can use multiple, effective skin care beauty products in Australia. With the right know-how, your skin will fare well in the coming winter months. There are multiple steps one can take to ensure skin health. You can:
1. Moisturise
The Gospel truth in winters is moisturising. Moisturise with body lotions several times a day, especially right after a hot shower or bath. Use lip balms to make sure your lips are not chapped. You can use petroleum jelly as an extra measure on extremely dry areas like cracked ankles, dry elbows, and lips. Moisturise according to the pH level of your face as well, using mild creams if your skin is too sensitive. Hydrolock is an intense repair solution for dry aging skin and can work well for drier winter months. Reclaim is an anti-aging moisturiser that can be used to combat fine lines and aging or even the cracking of drying skin cells
2. Use Sunscreen.
Even in winter months, be sure to use sunscreen to prevent exposure to UVA rays. UVA rays are often more common in winter light and are responsible for aging the skin quickly. They are much more dangerous for skin than UVB rays released in summer with more daylight. Überzinc is a recommended hydrating moisturiser for optimal skin protection. It has anti-oxidizing features and provides protection from UVA and UVB rays.
3. Hydrate
You should drink a lot of water and other fluids, even though you may not feel thirsty. You should use hydrating face masks before bed or keep a humidifier handy to fight off the effects of winter dryness.
4. Apply Oils
Use body oils to keep your skin healthy and moisturised. You can use them before taking a bath. You can use tea tree, coconut or Argon oil on your entire body or on problem areas.
5. Reduce exposure
Make sure to avoid unnecessary excursions into the winter weather and to protect the skin from chapping and chill at all times. Bundle up and make sure to stay dry and warm. For instance, always wear gloves and hats. Moisturise your face rigorously to protect from adverse effects of exposure.
6. Keep your skin type in mind
If you have acne, do only use water on those areas for hydration and use moisturisers sparingly on oil-prone skin. If you have very dry skin, make sure to avoid exfoliation in winters because it will dry out skin even more. You should look for products tailored to your own requirements. Hydrogel moisturiser, for instance, is for oily and combination skin. It is very important you tailor your skincare routine accordingly and take great care with buying products, taking the time to look at the ingredients. A rule of thumb is to use products with ceramides and glycerine in them during winter months.